Arts in Education Grants
Our goal is for every student in Talbot County to have multiple opportunities to learn about and experience a variety of art disciplines regardless of a school’s economic situation. Talbot Arts, Arts-in-Education grants offer all Talbot County schools funds for school-based arts enrichment programs during class hours. Arts enrichment programs, introducing students to different cultures and art forms, include school-based assemblies, residencies, workshops, master classes and field trips within the MD/DC region to museums and exhibitions within the MD/DC region for the purpose of arts education.
Each school receives a grant from Talbot Arts based on the number of students but at least $1,000. If a school can provide additional programs at their own cost, that does not affect our contribution level. We review and evaluate our grant allocations at the beginning of each academic year. We believe our approach is fair, equitable, and transparent.
Schools are eligible for subsidies to reduce the cost of programs involving Maryland-based artists, including travel expenses. Subsidies are available through two organizations: (1) Artivate and Arts for Learning Maryland.
The Maryland State Arts Council provides art learning experiences for under-resourced communities through subsidies to Artivate. A school’s FARMS or Title 1 status may affect eligibility and final program cost. Review the Artivate online catalogue: www.goartivate.org/artist. Busy Graham, Executive Director of Carpe Diem Arts. can recommend artists and performers and coordinate scheduling. Contact busygraham@gmail.com / 301-466-0183.
Arts for Learning Maryland (formerly Young Audiences of Maryland)
Arts for Learning Maryland assists schools with grant writing to secure up to $6,000 through the Maryland State Arts Council Arts in Education program. Arts for Learning Maryland provides access to artists listed on their roster and the Maryland State Arts Council teaching roster. Their Rural Access for All program is dedicated to serving communities outside urban areas. These grants can provide up to 60 percent of the program cost, subject to availability. To learn more, contact Sean FitzPatrick, Sean.f@artsforlearningmd.org Arts for Learning Maryland.
Teaching Artists Rosters
Schools are encouraged to choose artists listed in either the Arts-in-Education Visiting Performer Roster of the Maryland State Arts Council (www.sac.org/directory) or the Arts for Learning Maryland roster (www.artsforleanngmd.org/artist). These teaching registries are recommended resources to help you connect with Maryland-based professional teaching artists. These artists are selected through a panel review process and have met each organization’s criteria for inclusion.
Before beginning the application process, verify that your school submitted a final report for the academic year 2023-2024. We only disburse funds after we receive a final report for the previous year.
Review the guidelines, complete a grant application, and agree to submit a final report by June 15, 2025 Multiple teachers from a school can apply for funds; however, the total requests must be, at most, the school’s allocation. We accept applications on a rolling basis until March 31, 2025 for programs scheduled through June 15, 2025.
Grant Criteria
Talbot Arts retains the right to accept or reject Arts in Education grant applications, to suggest changes, and to support grant requests in full, in part, or not at all. In deciding on applications, the Arts Council is guided by:
The artistic merit of the proposed program.
The ability of the school to carry out the activity.
How well the program will serve the students.
Arts in Education applications are reviewed by the Executive Director to be sure they adhere to the arts council’s guidelines. If there are any questions about the proposed program, the Executive Director will refer the application to the Arts in Education/Scholarship Committee for their input and guidance.
Requirements for Organizations Receiving Funds
To receive Talbot Arts, Arts in Education funds, a school must either be designated as a not-for-profit or tax exempt by the IRS.
Because school grants are often funded by the governments of Talbot County and Easton, Oxford and St. Michaels, they are limited to schools based in Talbot County.
The proposed activity must primarily benefit Talbot County students.
Funds must be used as indicated in the application. Any proposed changes, including those of artist, date, time, or site, must be approved by the Arts Council in advance.
Arts-in-Education funds may be used for arts-related programs only—which include any listed in the Artivate or Arts for Learning Maryland catalogues.
All arts in education programs activities supported by Arts Council grants must be open to all students and accessible to students with disabilities in compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. For more information, go to www.talbotarts.org.
How is this grant process different from past years?
We provide grants to each school based on student enrollment instead of requiring each school to meet a dollar-to-dollar match to receive funds.
How is this grant process the same as we have done in the past?
We expect the same degree of accountability. We award funds based on meeting our criteria, requirements, and guidelines. Teachers must complete a grant application and submit a final report by June 15, 2025.
What is the grant funding process?
It takes about 30 days to approve and process a grant application. Talbot Arts begins the application review as soon as we receive an automatic email that the online form is submitted. Once the Executive Director finds the application meets all criteria, a check is mailed Alison Strickland, Talbot County Curriculum Supervisor for programs in public schools. For all other schools, notification that the grant is approved is forwarded to the teacher and a check is sent to the school, unless other payment arrangements have been made. All checks are mailed directly from our account at Shore United Bank. Funds are not approved retroactively.
When will my school receive funds?
Included with the email notification, you will receive a confirmation from our account at Shore United Bank that the check is processed. It takes approximately 10 working days to receive your payment.
Are mini-grants available?
Schools are still welcome to apply for a mini-grant. We accept applications for mini-grants until we deplete the mini-grant budget.
How may these funds be used (allowable expenses)?
The purpose of these grants is to provide funds for school-based arts programs. These funds are only to be used for arts enrichment programs held during regular school hours or field trips to art museums and exhibitions within the MD/DC region.
What expenses are not covered by the grant (unallowable expenses)?
These funds are not intended to fund parts of the regular school curriculum.
These funds are not to be used to for afterschool musical theater and dramatic productions.
They are not to be used to purchase art materials or supplies typically found in an art room inventory.
Non-arts programs, ecological, or health/fitness presentations are not eligible for funding.
As a condition of receiving grants from Talbot Arts, organizations are required to acknowledge support from both the Maryland State Arts Council (MSA) and Talbot Arts (TA), in all materials and announcements for your funded projects. You are required to display both logos and include some form of the statement “this program is funded in part by Talbot Arts with revenues provided by the Maryland State Arts Council and the governments of Talbot County, Easton, Oxford and St. Michaels." For more information about our logos and acknowledgement text go to www.talbotarts.org.
Funds must be used as indicated in the application. Any proposed changes, including those of artist, date, time, or site, must be approved by the Arts Council in advance. You are required to file a final report form with the Arts Council no later than June 15, 2025. To remain in good standing with the Arts Council and be eligible to receive grants in the future, it important you comply with this requirement. You may fill out the final report here.
Revised 07/15/2024