Community Arts Development Grants
Talbot Arts invites non-profit organizations and programs to apply for grants through the Community Arts Development (CAD) Program, which funds arts activities that benefit Talbot County. We are dedicated to ensuring that our marketing efforts, applications, review process, and awarded funds uphold our principles of diversity, equity, and accessibility. Our goal is to engage all members of the community through targeted outreach. We have simplified the application process, provided easily accessible support, and implemented transparent evaluations to promote a fair and equitable distribution of resources within our community.
The grant money for these programs comes entirely from the Maryland State Arts Council. The Talbot Arts Board determines each grant based on the following criteria:
funds available to Talbot Arts
your organization’s request
additional sources of support available
the degree of your organization’s community engagement.
This approach enables Talbot Arts to use State and local funding to build a vibrant, impactful, and equitable arts community in Talbot County.
Non-profit organizations and government agencies that provide equitable access to diverse and inclusive local arts activities in Talbot County are eligible to apply for Community Arts Development grants. Talbot Arts is particularly interested in programs that serve resource-challenged communities, including programs for children and seniors, individuals in healthcare settings, and people with special needs.
Application Process
To learn more about the application process, Talbot Arts will host an in-person and Zoom information session at 6 pm on Tuesday, April 8 at the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy Center. This session will provide an overview of the Community Arts Development program requirements, guidelines and how to apply. RSVP to the information session, talbotartsevents@gmail.com, so we can reserve your seat and forward the login information to those attending on Zoom. If you need help with an application, email jlevy@talbotarts.org. Include your contact information and the best time to reach you.
The application period for FY 2026 (July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026) opens on April 14 and will close on May 16, 2025.
To apply for these funds, complete and submit the online form to Talbot Arts by the deadline for FY 2026 grants. When completing the application, provide only the project budget - not the organization’s budget. An organization may request only one single component grant or a multiple component grant per fiscal year. You are welcome to contact Joan Levy, Executive Director, (410-245-5195 / jlevy@talbotarts.org) to discuss whether your grant request should be in a single or multiple-component application.
Tips for completing an online application:
We recommend reading through the application in advance. Gather your information before beginning the application process. When you are finished, as confirmation we have received your application, a copy will be emailed to the address you provided. For assistance, please email jlevy@talbotarts.org.
Sample single component program application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd0oL14x2XQ148xPwwTym1pSYJaimPDDOY0TpAdY92EmWfxdQ/viewform
Sample multiple component program application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScQLLbCDclbnEw37rOHcuQrZiNOduIexfYc0akxGPpbo12GuQ/viewform
Review Process
Members of the Talbot Arts Board are randomly assigned to review panels. Review panels meet to review each application assigned to their panel, discuss how each application meets the grant criteria and will benefit the community, and address any prior reviewers’ comments and feedback from the previous year.
The role of the Executive Director in the grant review process is to provide administrative support. This support includes reviewing applications to ensure they are complete, distributing them to panel members, verifying no conflicts of interest among panel members, staffing each review panel, and recording all comments and feedback. If any questions arise during the review process, the Executive Director acts as the interface between the applicant and the review panel.
During Talbot Arts spring retreat, the Board approves grants for the coming fiscal year. Applicants are immediately notified by email of their funding status.
By mid-July, an agreement letter and the review panel's comments and feedback are forwarded to all applicants. We provide this information to help applicants understand our decision process and equip them with actionable items for future improvements. All grantees must sign and return the letter of agreement to Talbot Arts before releasing grant funds.
Appeals Process
Talbot Arts is committed to distributing grant funds fairly and equitably based on the stated criteria and past comments and feedback. Denial of a grant or dissatisfaction with the funds awarded is not a valid reason for an appeal.
If an applicant believes there is a legitimate reason for an appeal, the following steps must be taken:
The applicant must discuss the problem with the Executive Director.
To pursue an appeal, the applicant must write a letter to the Executive Director within 15 days following receipt of the grant award or denial letter requesting reconsideration of Talbot Arts' decision and stating the grounds for the request.
The applicant will receive a written notification on the determination of the appeal within 30 days of the receipt of the written request for reconsideration.
Grant Criteria
Talbot Arts frequently receives more grant requests than can be accommodated from the resources available. Talbot Arts retains the right to accept or reject grant applications, to suggest changes, and to support grant requests in full, in part, or not at all. In deciding on applications, Talbot Arts is guided by:
The artistic merit of the proposed activities.
Organizational effectiveness – the ability of the applying organization to conduct the activity and to follow through on its objectives.
Service to the community – how well the proposed activity or program will serve the students, residents and guests of Talbot County
Requirements for Organizations Receiving Funds
To receive funds from Talbot Arts, an organization must either be designated as a Maryland non-profit corporation with IRS tax-exempt status, or be a government-related entity such as a school or a parks and recreation department. The proposed arts activity must primarily benefit Talbot County residents and guests.
Grants by the Arts Council must be matched on at least a one-for-one basis in cash. Matching funds are defined as funds from other sources equal to the amount you receive from Talbot Arts. *This requirement is suspended for FY 2026.
Funds from any agency of the State of Maryland, or in-kind services, are not permitted. * This requirement is suspended for FY 2026.
Funds must be used as indicated in the application. Any proposed changes--including those of artist, date, time, or site--must be approved by Talbot Arts in advance.
All activities supported by Talbot Arts grants must be open to the public and accessible to persons with disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For more information, go to www.talbotarts.org.
Evaluation of Grant Applications
Members of the Talbot Arts Board are randomly assigned to grant review panels. Review panels meet to read and evaluate each application assigned to their panel, discuss how each application meets the grant criteria, how the program will serve the community, and address any prior reviewers’ comments and feedback. Their recommendtions are them submitted to the full Talbot Arts Board for final approval. The review panels use the following rubric to evaluate each application.
Questions 1-3 indicate that the organization is in good standing:
Is the applicant qualified to receive funds?
Was the application submitted on time?
Did the applicant submit a final report for the previous year?
Is the organization’s mission clearly stated?
Are the project(s) goals clearly stated?
Has the organization demonstrated a plan to successfully complete the project goals?
Does the project(s) demonstrate increased accessibility to the arts?
Does the organization establish a commitment to diversity and equity?
Does the project further the mission of the organization?
Is the project(s) adequately described including the goals and plan to complete the project?
Is the budget clear, relevant, and does it meet all the project’s requirements?
If your organization received funds from Talbot Arts in the previous year, the following questions apply:
How has your organization addressed the comments and recommendations included in your FY 2025 grant feedback form?
What programs, classes, workshops, or other opportunities did you pursue over the past 12 months to help you address the Maryland State Arts Council and Talbot Arts goals for equity, accessibility, diversity, and inclusion in your organization?
As a condition of receiving grants from Talbot Arts, organizations must acknowledge support from both the Maryland State Arts Council (MSA) and Talbot Arts (TA), in all materials and announcements for your funded projects. You must display both logos and include some form of the statement “This program is funded in part by Talbot Arts with revenues provided by the Maryland State Arts Council and the governments of Talbot County, Easton, Oxford, and St. Michaels." For more information about our logos and acknowledgements text go to www.talbotarts.org.
You are required to file a final report form with the Arts Council within 30 days after completing all grant activities, but always by June 15. To remain in good standing with Talbot Arts and be eligible to receive grants in the future, it is important you comply with this requirement. You may fill out the final report here.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do the Community Arts Development Grants fund?
Annual Community Arts Development Grants support 501(c)3 arts organizations and organizations providing arts programs in Talbot County. These grants are tied to specific projects and are not intended to support the organization’s everyday operations.
How much money can I request?
As a county arts agency, Talbot Arts receives funds from the Maryland State Arts Council as our primary funding source for the Community Arts Development grant program. Grant requests are not currently limited. In FY 2025, Talbot Arts distributed $133,000 in grants to 21 applicants, ranging from $1,000 to $20,000. An organization can request an amount that aligns with previous grant awards and reflects current programming.
How much funding can I expect to receive?
Talbot Arts frequently receives more requests than it can accommodate. We consider the quality of the application, the organization’s record for producing quality programs, innovative approaches to arts programming, efforts to reach new audiences, patron-based support, and increased accessibility to the arts. As the county arts agency, our primary mission is to support and provide access to the arts for all citizens and visitors to Talbot County.
Do you require a match?
No, a match is not required for this grant.
When will my organization be awarded a grant?
Notification of awards will be sent on or around July 15, 2025.
When will I receive payment?
Talbot Arts will distribute funds in September 2025. Organizations receive a check directly from our account at Shore United Bank. Before releasing funds, a grantee must complete a final report for their FY 2025 grant, and sign and return the FY 2026 letter of agreement.
Is there a sample application to review before filing out the grant form?
Sample single component program application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd0oL14x2XQ148xPwwTym1pSYJaimPDDOY0TpAdY92EmWfxdQ/viewform
Sample multiple component program application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScQLLbCDclbnEw37rOHcuQrZiNOduIexfYc0akxGPpbo12GuQ/viewform
What are some examples of eligible project costs?
Eligible project costs are expenses directly tied to achieving the goals of the project. Applicants may need to provide supporting documentation for expenses, especially if they have significantly increased compared to the previous year.
Examples include:
artist/educator fees
services, supplies and equipment expenses directly related to the project
in-state travel costs
facility and equipment rental
marketing/promotion directly related to the project
public art creation and implementations
exhibit installation
film/media installations, screenings, and presentations
What are some examples of ineligible project costs?
Examples include:
construction costs
capital equipment purchases
capital improvements
costs outside the scope of the project
out-of-state travel
hotel/lodging fees for out-of-state artists/educators
fundraising expenses (either directly or indirectly)
party arts, magicians, face painting, hair braiding or balloon sculpture
food, drink, or catering expenses
general operating expenses
This list of Frequently Asked Questions was created based on the comments and feedback we received from prospective applicants during past Zoom information sessions. If you have a question or a topic that is not included here, email jlevy@talbotarts.org. Include your contact information and the best time to reach you.
Who can I talk to if I need help with the application?
We are here to offer assistance and guidance. Talbot Arts will host an in-person and Zoom information session on Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at 6 pm at the Eastern Shore Conservancy Center, 114 S. Washington Street. This session will provide an overview of the Community Arts Development program requirements, guidelines and how to apply. RSVP to the information session, talbotartsevents@gmail.com, so we can reserve a seat and forward the login information to those attending on Zoom. If you need help with an application, email jlevy@talbotarts.org. Include your contact information and the best time to reach you.
Revised 3/25/2025
Revised 5/6/2024